In Paladyum Agriculture's 20 thousand square meter production greenhouse, 200 tons of strawberries are grown annually using the soilless farming method.
soIlless strawberry productIon
Soilless agriculture strawberry cultivation is a growing system based on the principle of providing the required amounts of water and nutrients necessary for plant life to the root environment.
It is a controllable cultivation system that is calculated from root environment pH, EC, water content, nutrient content to drainage pH, EC, rate and nutrient content and optimizes the internal and external environmental conditions that can sustain the plant without losing water (evapotranspiration).
Compared to conventional strawberry cultivation, it is possible to benefit from unit area at least 2-3 times, to increase productivity by at least 2-3 times, to reduce operating expenses with less water, fertilizer, medicine and labor. Hydroponic agriculture will make significant contributions to strawberry agriculture in our country by allowing cultivation in various areas, thus converting stony and rocky areas to agricultural production by switching to soilless agriculture, and allowing controlled cultivation for export.


You can try the strawberry jam recipe, which has the right size and consistency, with peace of mind.
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